


Where are co2 sensors required

The air on which human beings live is a mixture of gases in the earth’s atmosphere, which is mainly composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% rare gases and impurities.

Oxygen in the air is necessary for all aerobic organisms. All animals need to breathe oxygen, and plants use carbon dioxide in the air for photosynthesis, the only source of carbon for nearly all plants.

The most important physiological function of carbon dioxide is to provide carbon for photosynthesis, so the content of carbon dioxide in the air has a great influence on the growth of plants. Studies have also shown that low concentrations of carbon dioxide are not toxic, but high concentrations can poison animals.

In recent years, with the continuous emergence and development of technologies and instruments for measuring gas concentration, the application fields of carbon dioxide sensors have become more and more extensive. Today I will introduce Where are co2 sensors required?

Greenhouse culture monitoring

1.Vegetables require a carbon dioxide concentration of 1000-1500ppm. Therefore, the carbon dioxide deficit in plastic greenhouses has become an important factor affecting the production of vegetables in plastic greenhouses. The installation of carbon dioxide gas sensors in plastic greenhouses can ensure that the alarm is timely in the case of insufficient carbon dioxide concentration, so as to use gas fertilizer to ensure high quality and high yield of vegetables, edible fungi, flowers, Chinese medicine and so on.

2.Some large farms, such as cattle, pigs, chicken plants, etc., are in some closed or semi-closed environments. A large number of livestock will exhale a large amount of carbon dioxide, if not timely ventilation measures, high concentrations of carbon dioxide will lead to animal hypoxia, depression, fatigue, anorexia, slow growth and other problems. At the same time, the lack of air movement can easily lead to reduced immunity of livestock and disease outbreaks.

Carbon dioxide gas sensors are installed in the greenhouse farm to monitor the concentration of carbon dioxide, and when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the farm reaches a certain amount, the exhaust system can be started to replace fresh air to provide a good breeding environment for livestock growth.

Industrial waste gas control

With economic development and increased levels of industrialization, human activities (such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation) have contributed to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. Some industrial enterprises also use chimneys or exhaust gases in the combustion and production process, and a large amount of CO2 gas is discharged from the opening of the pipeline. All this makes global warming one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today.

The greenhouse effect caused by the increase of carbon emissions is quietly affecting people’s living environment, such as the increase of diseases and pests, the rise of sea level, climate anomalies, and the increase of desertification area. In recent years, the country has also strictly controlled the emission of harmful gases, including greenhouse gases.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of industrial waste gas when discharging industrial waste gas, and carbon dioxide gas sensors can be installed in the chimney to detect carbon dioxide concentration, and the content of carbon dioxide concentration in the exhaust gas is strictly controlled.

Indoor Air Testing

In today’s society, people pay more and more attention to the living environment, and the detection of indoor air quality has become a hot topic. If the indoor population is dense, the air is not circulated, or there is gas or coal stove burning, coupled with human breathing, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air will increase, and the oxygen content will decrease accordingly, which will produce poisoning symptoms to varying degrees.

Indoor gaseous pollutants have carcinogenic and teratogenic hazards to the human body, and microorganisms in the air can easily cause various allergic diseases. Therefore, many indoor places will install air purifiers or fresh air systems to ensure air circulation and improve comfort.

Using sensors that can detect harmful gases in the air, such as carbon dioxide, can understand the indoor air quality in real time and provide a guarantee for creating a good living environment.

The use of carbon dioxide gas sensors can be seen everywhere in our daily living environment, such as kindergartens, schools, office buildings, shopping malls, supermarkets, stations, hospitals and other public places. Monitoring carbon dioxide concentrations through carbon dioxide sensors can improve air quality, thereby improving learning and work efficiency, among other things.

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